We started cereal with Karter last week. Here he is sitting in his brand new high chair, thank you to everyone at work for that!!! He is not sure what is about to happen.
He was so different from Kade and Noelle. He really didn't want anything to do with the cereal and they were just the opposite! He only ate about 5 bites total.

He kept making the funniest faces like I was feeding him the nastiest tasting stuff ever. The cereal is actually pretty sweet, not sure what the faces were about.

He just wanted to put his fingers in his mouth and play with the "new stuff", so now his hands stay under the tray when he eats!

I did manage to get a smile out of him after A LOT of coaxing. Now he eats a little better, but he still really has no interest in eating, I guess it will be a process with him!