Can't believe Kade is 5 already. This year we did the marathon of birthday parties. We had cupcakes on his actual birthday in Amboy after Depot Days Carnival. Then we had a brunch in Amboy while Chris, Kristin, Olivia and Peyton were home. Then finally we finished our tour at Grandma and Grandpa Girton's.
Here's the birthday boy with shark cupcakes.

Birthday brunch at Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel's house. Here are all the cousins-Peyton, Olivia, Kade, Noelle and Karter.

Opening presents at our house.
Kade's birthday breakfast...pancakes, eggs and bacon.
Kade with his shark cake. This cake was all he could talk about for weeks! Wasn't sure I could pull it off, definitely challenged my skills:)

Opening birthday presents at Grandma and Grandpa